Many of the skills or knowledge that you have acquired through workplace learning can be applied towards other careers that require formal credentials. At Everest Institute, we provide recognition of prior learning (RPL). Your skills and knowledge attained through informal learning or non-formal training such as life experience, work experience and volunteer work can all count towards RPL. Provide us with the evidence of your skills, knowledge and experience and gain credit towards all or part of a relevant qualification.
Recognition Of Prior Learning
In Depth - Recognition Of Prior Learning
Everest Institute recognises the workplace skills that you have gained through your industry experience in the past. These might include skills you picked up on the job or from other life experiences that do not necessarily include formal training. At Everest Institute, we assess your skills and acknowledge your work capabilities and then use these to impact either partially or completely towards nationally recognised qualifications or a statement of attainment, putting you in a better position to understand where your skills can take you. This skills recognition enables you to shorten the length of time for your studies. In some cases, your skills can be recognised in a way that you will not have to do any further study.
Recognition of Prior Learning, also known as RPL, is a form of assessment that acknowledges skills and knowledge (known within the VET system as ‘competencies’) gained through:
- Volunteer work
- work experience;
- life experience
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) means an assessment process that assesses the competency/s of an individual that may have been acquired through formal, non-formal and informal learning to determine the extent to which that individual meets the requirements specified in the training package or VET accredited courses.
Formal learning refers to learning that takes place through a structured program of instruction and is linked to the attainment of an AQF qualification or statement of attainment (for example, a certificate, diploma or university degree);
Non-formal learning refers to learning that takes place through a structured program of instruction, but does not lead to the attainment of an AQF qualification or statement of attainment (for example, in-house professional development programs conducted by a business); and
Informal learning refers to learning that results through the experience of work-related, social, family, hobby or leisure activities (for example the acquisition of interpersonal skills developed through several years as a sales representative).
Are You Eligible For RPL?
If you have evidence that you have worked in a relevant industry, you may be eligible for Recognition of Prior Learning. Please contact Everest Institute and we will arrange for an RPL Skills Assessment to see if you have the skills, knowledge, experience and evidence to support your RPL application.
Recognition of prior learning suits people who have industry relevant:
- work skills or knowledge
- paid or unpaid work experience
- life experience
- community work experience
How does RPL works?
- Enrolment pre-assessment will be arranged with an RPL Assessor to discuss your ability to enrol for RPL.
- RPL applications are made using the RPL Application Form, which is completed and handed in at reception.
- A copy of the RPL Application Form is placed on the student’s file.
- Enrol and pay
Everest Institute adopts a 4-step RPL process
- Step 1 – student’s self-evaluation;
- Step 2 – Interview with a trainer (Competency Conversation);
- Step 3 – Provision of further supporting evidence; and
- Step 4 – Demonstration/observation of tasks.
Your RPL Journey Begins Here:

Step 1
Step 2
The student must bring to the meeting any records that the applicant feels would be helpful in providing evidence of skills and knowledge gained.
If possible the conversation will take place in the student’s workplace.The assessor will evaluate the evidence gathered and determine if the evidence meets the requirements of any units or part thereof.
Step 3
The student will provide any additional evidence as required by the assessor. This evidence could be 3rd Party reports from previous or current employers.
The assessor will review all evidence collected and provide feedback to the student.
Should any gaps be identified the assessor will organise a training plan that will meet these gaps to enable the issuance of a Qualification or Statement of Attainment.
Step 4